Products heatStixx

heatStixx & heatSel

For effective heat storage

It has never been easier and more ecological to store heat!

All advantages at a glance

Optimized material properties compared to conventional PCM encapsulations

  • PCM with high cycle stability
  • Flexible – heatStixx/Selcan be adapted to almost any storage tank
  • Capacity expansion up to 5-fold
  • Cost saving compared to glycol storage
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Climate neutral – for a better environment and future
  • Maintenance-free
Products heatStixx
heatStixx PCM macroencapsulation for latent storage in cooling and Heat applications

Designed for optimal phase change

Our heatStixx and heatSel are designed in such a way that, in addition to a large surface area, the PCM layer thicknesses are simultaneously kept so low that the entire PCM participates in the phase change process, thus realizing efficient heat transfer (rapid charging and discharging) even at very low temperature differences.

The design as a hybrid heat accumulator enables the greatest possible dynamics due to the water content and is therefore perfectly suited for a wide range of applications in refrigeration / air conditioning and heating technology.

Products heatStixx
heatStixx for latent storage in cooling and heat applications 2
Products heatStixx
Products heatStixx

heatStixx & heatSel

The innovative solution to increase Storage capacity !


  • Select operating temperature
  • Fill heatStixx
  • Use latent energy


  • Standard socket 1 ½”
  • Automatic arrangement of the ellipsoids
  • Optimized flow

Optimize heat pump

  • Use SmartGrid tariffs
  • Bridge blocking periods
  • Improve efficiencies

System competence

  • Boot function for standard memory
  • Optimization system memory
  • System sovereignty remains


  • Heat accumulator
  • Cold Storage
  • Heat pump system
  • Power-to-heat plants
  • Energy storage of all kinds


  • Maintenance-free
  • Flexible
  • high cyclic stability
europaflagge 72dpi

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 778788

Products heatStixx

Increase in Storage capacity

by 3-4 times with the same volume, also simple retrofitting possible.

By using our heatStixx and heatSel, you can significantly increase the Storage capacity of your storage facilities.

Whether in a cold or Heat applications, the decisive factor is the temperature spread used
. The lower this is, the larger the increase factor becomes.

Our products are therefore ideally suited for achieving a high Storage capacity even with a low temperature spread.

Products heatStixx

Reduction of the storage volume

by 3-4 times with the same capacity, ideal for limited space conditions.

The effect described above allows you to reduce the memory size by the same amount while keeping the Storage capacity constant.

Especially in small spaces, you can make the most of the available space by using heatStixx. At the same time, you benefit from the smaller insertion dimensions of the smaller storage tank.

Products heatStixx

Increase service life

You profit twice! – Peak shifting and extended run times.

This not only allows you to select a smaller output for your heat generator and significantly reduce your acquisition costs, you can also significantly increase the running times and thus the economic efficiency as well as the service life.

This is because low runtimes and high clock rates reduce service life and lead to high maintenance costs.

Products heatStixx

Simplified process management

by transforming the temperature peaks to phase change temperature and thus constant injection and withdrawal temperature. An integration as a thermal switch.

Products heatStixx

Reduction of operating costs

Reduce power peaks ( = connected load ) ( peak cutting / peak shifting ), use favorable “night electricity tariffs” and own production.

You benefit from the increased Storage capacity in various ways.
Let’s take a look at a typical daily load profile for heat generation:

Products heatStixx

Reduce power peaks ( = connected load ) ( peak cutting / peak shifting ), use favorable “night electricity tariffs” and own production.

You benefit from the increased Storage capacity in various ways.
Let’s take a look at a typical daily load profile for heat generation:

This daily load curve shows a typical power demand spread over a day.
To cover the highest peaks, you need to install a heat generator that can cover the power peaks.

But at the times of lower demand, it does not run at full power or starts clocking. This time can also be better utilized by running their heat generator through.

However, this is only possible if you can already generate these power peaks at another time.

To do this, you need to store the energy to make it available later. This requires a higher Storage capacity.

Products heatStixx

Higher efficiency

Increase of COP (coefficient of performance) and reduction of heat losses due to constant temperature level (operating costs -40 % !), use of smaller cooling/heating generators possible.

Products heatStixx

Increase the efficiency of your heat pump.

Your storage temperature remains constant longer when you use heatStixx. So when you charge your storage tank, the storage tank temperature remains significantly lower from the phase change. This is cash for your heat pump. Because by each higher °C, which must provide this, more energy is needed and this exponentially ! This allows you to achieve a higher COP and a higher annual performance factor.

It also improves the use of condensing boiler technology. This benefits through a similar effect. This also requires the lowest possible application temperature and thus only becomes really profitable.

Products heatStixx

Increase your efficiency class - ErP label !

Whether you reduce the storage size or increase the Storage capacity, you will benefit either way.

By reducing the size of the memory, you can significantly reduce memory losses due to the reduced surface area. This will, for example, turn your class B storage (ErP label) into class A and save you money every year.

Even if you keep the memory size, you will benefit. The losses remain the same, but by using heatStixx you achieve a significantly higher storage equivalent, i.e. your label improves!