Product Special storage

Product PV-Heat

Layered storage loading

10 sun hours

Product PV-Heat
  • No conventional reheating necessary
  • Memory is charged to 100%
  • Result: plus 20% Storage capacity

PV-Heat: Heating rod + powerReducer

Product PV-Heat
Product PV-Heat

Control of the heating elements depending on the power fed into the grid (thus no purchase from the grid – unlike other systems that switch depending on the PV power).


Store your own electricity optimally & use it for yourself

Use of PV energy and electrothermal heat for
Single and multi-family houses with powerreducer & energy meter

All advantages at a glance

The electrothermal stations convert excess electricity from a photovoltaic system into heat. This is measured and controlled by the powerReducer( energy management system ). The stratified loading of the storage tank ensures optimum storage and use of the energy.

  • Energy storage in thermal accumulators with significantly higher Storage capacities than in batteries. Storage capacity: 1000 liters, 20 at 70°C = 58 kWh
  • Universal use – can also be retrofitted for post-EEG systems
  • Self-consumption share of up to 90% due to priority household electricity and thermal storage/utilization
  • Layer loading of Buffer storage with constant loading temperature 70°C

powerReducer- Increase self-consumption

The offered solution allows to measure the power fed into the grid and redirect it to a resistive load with a maximum power of 3 kW, increasing the self-consumption.

Product PV-Heat

Self-consumption kit 3 kW
consisting of a 3-phase energy meter and power electronics for connection to a 1-phase standard 3 kW heating element, such as heating rods or the eTherm C3, optionally available with heating rod.

PV-Heat Produktinformation und Preise

Product information / Prices

SystemSpeicher, LuftAnwendung, heatStixx

kraftBoxx - SystemSpeicher und Luft-Anwendung

von der Kälte- Wärme- und Luftanwendung bis zum SystemSpeicher für Heizung, Warmwasser, Wärmepumpe, Biomasse und Solar


von -33 °C bis + 20 °C mit PCM im Speicher, Volumen von 100 bis 100.000l

von 20 °C bis +89 °C mit PCM im Speicher

Hochleistungsfähige Latentspeicher speziell für Luftanwendungen mit einer optimalen Raumklimatisierung von 16° bis 26° C.

Vorteile im Überblick

Überschüsse effizent speichern im kraftBoxx Hybridspeicher

  • Zusätzliche Latentwärmekapazität nutzen
  • 10 mal höhere Leistung im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Latentspeichern
  • 2 – 3 fache Speicherkapazität zu einem Wasserspeicher
  • 10 mal günstiger als ein vergleichbarer Batteriespeicher
  • Kapazität 30 kWh, 50 kWh und 60 kWh
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kraftBoxx - Systemspeicher
UPC-Strichcode: 041005010007
Marke: kraftBoxx
Marke: PhaseCube
heatStixx HP ATS
Marke: kraftBoxx
Makroverkapselung: heatStixx HP